Camille - Votre Conseillère en Séjour - Praz de Lys Sommand Tourisme

Leave your children at daycare during your holiday

And take some time out for yourself! Sommand daycare centre is available for just a few hours, a full day or even more! Just the right amount of time to hit the slopes with your partner or with friends.
Please note, there isn’t a daycare facility in Praz de Lys! If you need to find childcare in this village, you’ll often find adverts offering babysitting services at the local shops. Contact them!

Delphine Responsable Accueil à l'Office de Tourisme


Don’t miss anything during your trip with your familiy at Praz de Lys Sommand !

Top 5 activities

Yooner - Praz de Lys Sommand ©Gilles Piel


Ski de Piste - Praz de Lys Sommand ©Gilles Piel

Top 5 of summer activities

MAV Gilles Piel (5)