At the bottom of the slopes of Sommand, The Refuge proposes you a sunny terrace. Bar, pizzas...
Catégorie de cuisine
- Traditional cooking
- Pizzeria
Animaux acceptés : Oui
Animaux acceptés avec supplément : Non
- Bar
- Terrace
- Toilets
- Parking nearby
- Pets welcome
- Wi-fi
- Restaurant
- Buffet meal
- Fast food
- Takeaway/cooked dishes
- Restaurant for children
- Mountain location
- Resort centre
- Accessible by ski
Organisme de réservation
Le Refuge
Telephone : 04 50 34 39 30Payment methods
- Bank/credit card
- Check
- Cash
Période d'ouverture
From 15/12 to 15/04, daily between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
Language spoken
- English
- French
- Italian
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