Par Monts et Par Mets - The kitchen wagon
Par Monts et Par Mets, your new kitchen wagon in Taninges and the Haut Giffre.
Local and international cuisine, crusts and home-cooked dishes.
Present at your local markets, fairs, village fêtes and festive events.
Par mets et par monts presents a gourmet menu,
to evolve with the seasons, my intuition and your desires.
Tartines, croûtes, croq'terroir, soups and other delicacies make their debut when the time comes.
The menu is updated regularly!
- Restaurant
- Fast food
- Takeaway/cooked dishes
- Caterer
Modes de paiement
- Bank/credit card
- Cash
- Titres restaurant (vouchers)
Période d'ouverture
All year round, every Tuesday and Thursday.
Langues parlées
- English
- French
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