Aromate Restaurant
Bistro-style restaurant in the heart of the village, with fresh, home-made produce.
- Terrace
- Toilets
- Parking nearby
- Coach parking
- Baby chair
- Pets welcome
- Wi-fi
Modes de paiement
- Bank/credit card
- Check
- Cash
Période d'ouverture
From 01/01 to 31/12
Opening hours on Wednesday between 12 pm and 1.30 pm. On Thursday between 12 pm and 1.30 pm and between 7 pm and 8.30 pm. On Friday and Saturday between 12 pm and 1.30 pm and between 7 pm and 9 pm. On Sunday between 12 pm and 1.30 pm and between 7 pm and 8.30 pm.
Closed Monday and Tuesday.
Langues parlées
- French
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