The way starts in high mountain pastures with a beautiful panorama on Chablais, Faucigny and Mont Blanc. Then it goes into money wood up to the city center. This way is rolling, easy and adapted to everyone.
Animaux acceptés : Oui
Animaux acceptés avec supplément : Non
- Pets welcome
- Mountain location
Free access.
Période d'ouverture
From 15/05 to 15/11.
Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.
Ouverture complémentaire
- Subject to favorable weather
- Subject to snow conditions
Type de clientèle
- Level bue - Medium
Guidebook with maps/step-by-step : From Praz de Lys, take the direction of the Pass of Ramaz. In front of the restaurant " Chez Jean de la Pipe ", you will see the shed of the ski lifts on your left, take the road just behind which goes to the hill. At the top of the hill, you can park on the shoulder to unload your equipment.
The route begins on the public highway which quickly makes a hairpin bend. Take the grass path which goes on the left of the restaurant. Lower at the intersection, you will stay on the right-hand side path to cut the road. Continue straight ahead to the left of the hotel. You will arrive on small bridge that you have to cross. This first part is made in pastures and gives you amazing points of view on the Mont Blanc and the Chablais.
Now, you will reach the heights of Taninges.
The slope is regular, soft on a dirt track. When you reach the road, stay on it during approximately 400 meters before turning left to take a path.
You will arrive in the old Taninges.
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