Les Traîneaux de l'Ubac - Ludovic Gloanec

Les Traineaux de l'Ubac is a crack team made up of Ludovic, the musher, and his dogs. Come and meet them!
Ludovic GLOANEC :
Born in Toulouse in 1973, I decided to settle in the Alps in 1998, where I experienced a real human and canine encounter with a musher. Passionate about dog sledding for 20 years, and holder of the brevet fédéral premier degré des sports de traîneau et discipline associé and the DEJEPS d'attelage canin, Les Traîneaux de l'Ubac began its adventure in MORILLON, Haute Savoie, at the Centre Nordique d'AGY.
The dogs :
Cusco, Merlin, Ubac, Shapka, Sérac, Futé, Looping and Baracuda..., all have a different character and a hierarchical place within the pack. Learn about their way of life and their function on a carriage.
Cani-Kart :
Come and discover the Cani-Kart (or husky buggy)!
After a presentation of the Siberian huskies, your MUSHER will install you in the kart pulled by the sled dogs, and you'll have the pleasure of admiring our dogs at work, and the splendid landscapes and mountain flora of Haute Savoie.
Cani-randonnée :
1/2 day (including a visit to the dogs' habitat) or 2h30 of activity.
A sporty walk, canine traction will take you to discover the banks of the Giffre river between Morillon and Mieussy. After a short briefing on how the activity works, you'll learn how to put the harness on your sled dog and link up with him using a lanyard and a harness adapted to the activity.
Dog-powered scooter/trike
Sled dogs
Mountain location
Ski resort
Payment methods
Credit transfer
Opening period
All year round.
Language spoken
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